Ground Stomp:
Large AOE and knockback in a large frontal cone starting from his hind legs. Can target ANY player that contributed to his aggro.
Charge: Immediately after the Ground Stomp ability the Deer charges straight forward to the highest threat. Summons 1 dendroid per target hit.
Call of the Wild: Channelled ability to call 1 dendroid per player hit by Charge (or enemy in general, includes totems/clones, etc). Also calls nearby camps if within range.
Out for Blood: If hit by the ground stomp, applies a bleed to the targets hit and causes the next attack to crit.
Every 4th attack will be the ground stomp. Tank needs to count these and act accordingly.
Everyone should back off after the third hit in anticipation of the stomp or use a movement ability to get out of range if targetted
Melee DPS stack behind the boss, to avoid the ground stomp but be ready to move.
Healer stack with and ranged. Be aware the boss could run towards you to try and stomp you. Bait his attack by getting close to melee range and then dipping out
After the ground stomp, the charge will come IMMEDIATELY - everyone must be aware of the boss's telegraphed charge. Just move left or right to avoid.
The charge will target the player at the top of the threat table or if that player is 8 or more meters away, then the second highest threat player.
Players hit by the charge will cause Call of the Wild to cast, summoning adds per player hit. This can also aggro nearby camps!
Position: Ground Stomp & Charge
Types - Frenzied, Young, Normal
Location: Northwest of Riverise (various locations)
Resource: Rainbow Snail - Herbalism
Leap: Large AOE and brief stun to a targeted area. Move away from the area.
Roar: Channeled frontal cone AOE ability that does damage and debuffs a targeted player, targets highest threat player and follows them.
Tail Swipe: 270-degree arc attack from the boss's back right side to front cone, deals damage and stuns.
Melee and Ranged DPS stack behind the boss, to the left of his tail - on his left leg to avoid tail swipe.
Healer stack with melee and ranged.
Leap only happens if the highest threat target is out of melee range.
Damage has been increased of the Roar ability, now does heavy magic damage depending on the type. Young Woodraptor has the lowest, Frenzied has the highest now.
When avoiding the roar, the tank should bait the raptor to roaring to the left, then cut through the body of the raptor and bait his roar back to the right. This way you keep his roar away from ranged/healers.
Position: Swipe
Position: Roar
Location: Windreach Woods (various locations)
Resource: Blood Honey - Logging
Ground Slam: Large AOE in a circle around the boss.
Flora Spore Seed: Tosses a seed that deals damage on impact and spawns a dendroid twig.
Seed Spawn: Upon landing, the seed spawn will become a dendroid twig.
Bosses slam can be interrupted now so this should be done to aid the healer
After the slam, the boss will throw a Flora Spore Seed at someone in the party, avoid the ground telegraph and deal with the add. Summons an add upon landing
Everyone should try to spread out to avoid getting multiple people hit with the spore.
Move out of the spore's telegraphed target location
Tank can take the slam hits but for sake of the healer, you can move away as he starts the animation or interrupt it.
Position: Seed Spore
Position: Slam
Location: Steppes (various locations)
Resource: Beating Heart - Butchery
Gnaw: Channelled biting ability dealing massive damage and bleed.
Rip Flesh: Causes heavy bleed damage, can stack. Purge ability from the tank.
Lick Wounds: Hyena runs away to heal up 5% missing health per second
Melee behind the boss.
Tank faces the boss away from the group.
Ranged and healer stack away from the boss.
Everyone move away from the front of the Hyena. It can move whilst channelling Rip Flesh
Use Anti-Heal from the Warrior talent tree when the Hyena runs away to minimize the healing.
Cleanse the bleed stacks from the tank if possible.
Types: Vomit, Flatulence
Location: Creeping Marsh (various locations)
Resource: Granulation Tissue - Butchery
Leap: Telegraphed ability leaping to the target location dealing damage and stunning. Everyone move away from the area if possible.
Flatulence: The troll turns around and releases gas from his behind in a large AOE cone causing damage and sleep. Dash out of the way if possible.
Might Slap: Frontal damage ability that stuns. Unavoidable as melee.
Vomit: The troll projectile vomits in a frontal cone causing periodic damage and causes fear. Avoid if possible, dispel fear.
Shoulder Barge: The troll charges forward with its shoulder dealing damage and stun to the first enemy hit. Easy to avoid, just move out the way.
Punt: The troll kicks the nearest player knocking them back, dealing damage, stun, and slow affect. Hard to avoid as its seemingly at random.
Slam: The troll raises their hands and smashes the ground infront of them dealing damage and stunning.
Messy fight, hard to maintain composure with all the stuns, movement, and incapacitate abilities.
Melee behind the boss whenever possible
All abilities are Telegraphed so try to avoid whenever possible
Tank faces the boss away from the group.
Ranged and healer stack away from the boss.
Avoid the charges/barges/bodily fluid ejections.
Location: Creeping Marsh (various locations)
Resource: Granulation Tissue - Butchery
Blade Dance: Yaga spins uncontrolably dealing physical damage in melee range
Seeking Death: Yaga casts 4 homing skulls in North/East/South/West directions dealing heavy magic damage and healing him for 100% of the damage dealt
Summon undead: Yaga summons 2 random scrags to aid him
Best positoning is to stack up on the tank, its better to stack behind/in the tank to avoid the Seeking death skulls - let the tank absorb those
Tank can be healed through blade dance, shouldnt be too difficult
When Yaga summons, range kill the adds asap because he can summon a warlock scrag that deals big damage
Location: Creeping Marsh (various locations)
Resource: Granulation Tissue - Butchery
Crustacean Injection: Envy lunges with a tentacle causing heavy damage and spawning Crustaceans at your location
Gaze: Envy channels his Gaze in the direction of the high threat player dealing magic damage and stunning for the duration
Tank runs to draw attention first, Envy will immediately cast Gaze - tank should stay out of range until the ability finishes
Tank runs into melee and builds aggro until the next Gaze ability
During the second Gaze, all ranged and melee run in and TIGHTLY stack behind the boss
Stacking tightly avoid the mechanic Crustacean Injection. Tank will continue to receive Gaze damage and stun.
Watch out for aggro as the tank is stunned for 5secs a time
Position: Gaze
Location: Steppes (various locations)
Resource: Beating Heart - Butchery
Tail Lash: Targeted ability in front of the Drako, small telegraphed area. Move immediately as this deals massive damage.
Tail Swipe: Large frontal cone knocking back and dealing damage. Avoidable but not telegraphed.
Tank must run in circles currently due to the high damage of the tail lash.
Melee can attack this boss but the aggro is scuffed, so be aware of the tail lash. Try to stay behind him at all times.
The tank can run in and not touch the boss due to the boss's aggro being proximity-based.
Ranged can just nuke as distance freely.
Healers should stack with ranged.
Location: Steppes (various locations)
Resource: Dragon Shell - Logging
Flame Breath: Large frontal channelled cone ability dealing fire damage. Move around in circles to avoid.
Talon Kick: Deals damage and knocks the target back, reducing movement speed. Avoidable, just move away after the 3rd autoattack.
Shed Spikes: Channelled aerial ability firing spikes into the air at players. Ground telegraphs, avoid at all costs - massive damage.
Summon Dragonkin: Archosaur calls for mini-archosaurs to aid him
Tank must run in circles for the flame breath, avoiding it.
All melee behind the boss and all ranged spread out around him, keeping a safe distance from others (for spikes).
There is a chance the boss could Talon Kick someone other than the tank, but it's unlikely. Tank just needs to move away for this kick.
During Shed Spikes, everyone moves. There will be ground telegraphs showing where the spikes are landing. Don’t cross over paths with other players.
Ranged can stutter-step to attack the boss so he doesn’t reset, but keep moving.
Lazer Beam (Rock/Golden): Single channelled ability targetting highest threat player
Ground Pound (Rock/Golden): Slams the ground dealing phyiscal damage and stunning
Rock n Roll (Rock): The golem conjures up a rock and rolls its towards a random player dealing damage and stunning them
Lazer Array (Tall): Casts an array of lazers in the direction of a player. The lazer formation can change between several telegraphs.
Rocket Fist (Golden): Shoots a rocket fist from their wrist towards a player dealing heavy damage
Chain Fist (Golden): Shoot a fist with a chain attatched towards a player, if hit it pulls the player towards the golem
Rocket Laucnher (Tall): Shoots of 3 rockets in a front spread.
Somewhat messy fight when there are multiple golems
Try to stay behind them as much as possible, always target the Tall one first - get him down asap as Lazer Array does most damage
Avoid all the abilities that you can, like rocket throw, lazer beam, Lazer Array, rocket fist, rocket launcher, chain fists - This will involve moving around
Chain fist and ground pound tend to be coupled together, so really avoid that
Tank the Tall golem away frm the group and make sure his Lazer Array misses the group
Run around in circles avoid the lazer beam when cast - best time to unleash maximum dps.
Location: Steppes - patrolling
Rolling Death: Scolopendra curls up and starts rolling around stunning players that are hit
Acidic Bile: Projectile vomit attack that deals poison over time damage and reduces armour by 100%
Stay behind when possible.
Rolling death animation can be interrupted if you time it right otherwise avoid him.
Acidic bile is telegraphed, so avoid this also.
Debuff from Acidic Bile can be cleansed and suggest doing so asap.